30 years
in the octagon
The UFC has been dominating the fighting world for three decades, and we were thrilled to help them celebrate this milestone. We created custom key art, a style guide, and a logo treatment to deliver across all channels, including print, broadcast, social media, and merchandise. This key art inspired the look and feel for all UFC 30th Anniversary content.
Our team was challenged to create something lighter that would contrast with the usual UFC look and feel, and we went all in on a white background featuring a living timeline showcasing the most memorable fights. The moving type highlights the key moments in UFC history.
The logo itself was textured in a worn pewter finish, a link to the sport's rugged feel, while the octagon accent was finished in a soft powdered gold to add a bit of birthday finesse.
ECD: Curtis Doss
Logo Design: Felipe Picazo
Producer: Kevin Voltz