revealing the
Stars of summer

Turner Classic Movies' Summer Under the Stars is an annual programming event that takes place during the summer months. During this event, TCM dedicates each day to a different classic movie star, airing a selection of their most iconic films throughout the day and night.

These packages aired from 2016 to 2020, with new stars each summer. In the first graphics package, which aired from 2016-2018, textured paper graphics are meant to be representative of an “unfolding plot” and were inspired by Abigail Reynolds, an artist whose abstract cut photography gives the viewer a unique window between worlds.

The three dimensional constellations airing from 2019-2020 were ae mix of procedural animation, hand-drawn constellations, and watercolor techniques meant to bridge the gap between art and technology that is so well represented in film. Each package consisted of hundreds of modular elements that were packaged for on-air broadcast, digital billboards, and social spots.

Turner Classic Movies
Turner Studios

  • Turner Studios

    Creative Director: Paul Markowski
    3D: Andrew Weiler
    Production Design: William Pratt, Kaitlyn Kolesaire
    Producer: Reilly
    Edit: Jay Bellissimo
    Sound: Hall

    Role: Storyboards, design, art direction


BET Social Awards
